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Verifiedexams Certification and Exam Preparation Tools

Verifiedexams offers the best materials available on the internet today for certification and exam preparation. Our comprehensive resources, including study guides, question and answer sets with detailed instructions, and complete preparation labs, ensure that you pass your exam on your first attempt. By purchasing and using Verifiedexams questions and answers, illustrated Q&A, or test engines, we guarantee your success on your first try.

How to Apply for the Guarantee

If you unfortunately fail the exam after using our practice tests, you can get a refund immediately by sending the following information to our email address:

  1. Test Certification Report: A scanned copy of the test certification report from the first exam you attempted.
  2. Purchase Details: Our purchase order number, along with the name and detailed information of the purchased product.


  • If the member downloads the exam after submitting the refund request, the refund request will be automatically cancelled.
  • Discounted products and offers are non-refundable.
  • You cannot have written and failed the exam within 7 days of purchasing the product, as we require a reasonable study period.
  • Refund requests must be made within 30 days of purchase.


This guarantee will either result in a refund or a suggestion to purchase a new product that can help you pass the exam. Refunds are only processed within 30 days of the initial purchase.

Easy Refund Process

To take advantage of the guarantee, simply contact our customer service team and request the inspection you want to perform. Send us a scanned copy of your failed exam, and we will immediately send you the new exam of your choice.

Low Price Guarantee

We ensure you never feel that you have paid more than necessary. Verifiedexams offers the most competitive prices in the market for all PDF files.

For any inconvenience or questions, please feel free to contact us through our live chat or via email at