Verifiedexams provides its customers with top-of-the-line IT products. Our main goal is your exam success! The products provided by the Verifiedexams Team are highly classified, authentic preparation materials for all exams. Here’s why:
All these features make us so confident that we offer an exchange if you fail any exam on your first attempt. With Verifiedexams products, your success on your first attempt is guaranteed.
In case of failure, Verifiedexams offers One free exam training products as compensation, including the original purchase. Before claiming the guarantee, all downloaded products must be deleted, and all copies of Verifiedexams products must be destroyed.
To claim the Verifiedexams Exchange Policy, submit your Examination Score Report in PDF format within 7 days of the test and a completed Exchange Form to Our billing team will verify the authenticity of the submitted documents and arrange the exchange exam within 7 days after receiving the email and completing the confirmation process*.
Give it a try and you will lose nothing! There is ABSOLUTELY NO RISK!
Product Exchange is valid for customers who claim the guarantee within 90 days from the date of purchase. Customers can contact Verifiedexams to claim this guarantee at Exam failures that occur before the purchase date do not qualify for the guarantee. The exchange request must be submitted within 7 days after exam failure.
Note: The guarantee is not applicable in the following cases:
The guarantee policy does not apply to Cisco, Admission Tests, Language Courses, Avaya, CISSP, EMC, HP, Oracle, PMI, and SSCP exams as Verifiedexams provides only practice questions for these.
Outdated exam products. For customers who use outdated products for exams that have already been updated by Verifiedexams, claims will not be entertained.
For the above cases and any others not listed but involved with the guarantee policy, Verifiedexams reserves all rights of final explanation.